What's New

Here at SunDog, we’ve been busy, real busy actually, and not just biking, hiking, and skiing; we’ve been fishing too. Just kidding (sort of). We know that if you’re not the lead dog the scenery never changes. With that in mind, we continue the SunDog tradition of bringing new and innovative products to market. Lately, we've been working on product ideas and designs that will be more efficient, intelligent and practical. Integrating those aspects to superbly designed products is our goal. We want to provide you, our customer, with quality and value so you'll never be devoid of incredibly durable packs and bags that offer practical solutions to your equipment needs.


Our endless search for better ideas is through on-going innovation, and please know we keep you in mind throughout the process. So as others cut corners in the quality of their materials – we spare no expense, offering you better value for each hard earned dollar spent. It would be easy to build cheap crap – but what fun would that be?


We welcome feedback on just about anything, so if you have an idea that you think we should consider, don't be shy and let us know (unless of course you feel that everything we make is perfect). Although it may not be feasible to acquiesce to each request since the line between genius and insanity is sometimes blurred, we will take your ideas and/or comments seriously. Remember, the more feedback we get from like-minded customers the better the chance of seeing your idea reach reality.


We look forward to hearing from you.  Seriously!


From all of us here at SunDog, we appreciate your past and continued support.



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